Challenge Penticton 2017 1 | Page 28


1. Exit Transition and turn right onto Lakeshore Dr.

2. Continue West on Lakeshore Dr for approximately 1 km

3. Follow the walking path at the Rose Garden.

4. Cross the dam bridge (change not shown on map)

5. Turn left and continue South on the Channel Walking Path (on

the West side of the River Channel) (change not shown on map)

6. Turn around at the W Warren Ave. Bridge and continue North on

the same pathway

7. Continue under the Eckhardt Ave. bridge (HWY 97)

8. Continue along west channel path to cross the dam bridge

9. Follow path to Lakeshore Dr.

10. Continue down Lakeshore Dr.

11. STANDARD ATHLETES - Turn left at The Peach and follow the

walking path around rotary park and back to Lakeshore Dr. to

the Finish Line.

HALF ATHLETES - Turn around at The Peach and repeat steps

1-11 to complete the second lap of the run course. Then turn

left at The Peach and follow the walking path around rotary

park and back to Lakeshore Dr. to the Finish Line.

Once you cross the finish line a volunteer will take your timing chip off of your ankle.