CHALET Magazine Spring 2017 Spring 2017 | Page 133

1 . https :// meduza . io / feature / 2016 / 07 / 08 / ya-ne-boyus-skazat-chto-obschego-u-tysyach-postovfleshmoba-o-nasilii
2 . Основатель проекта « Насилию . нет »: Жертвы побоев будут вынуждены сами оплачивать штраф http :// theins . ru / opinions / 42001
3 . Power and Control Wheel http :// www . deaf-hope . org / domestic-violence / power-and-control-wheel /
4 . Domestic Violence ( Intimate Partner Violence ) https :// www . womenhelpingwomen . org / home / aboutgender-based-violence / domestic-violence /
5 . The Battered Woman SyndromeWalker , Lenore E ., Duros , Rachel I ., & Tome , Allison http :// www . cavis . es / sitio / index2 . php ? option = com _ docman & task = doc _ view & gid = 147 & Itemid = 46
6 . What Causes Domestic Violence ? By Toby D . Goldsmith , MD https :// psychcentral . com / lib / whatcauses-domestic-violence /
7 . http :// www . migraweb . ch / en / themen / frauen / gewalt / haeusliche-gewalt /
8 . http :// www . swissinfo . ch / eng / abuse-at-home _ domestic-violence-is--fairly-widespread--inswitzerland / 42611778
CHALET magazine 133