CFG Annual Report cfg-annual-report-v3 | Page 16

Your support matters Your support allows us to empower women and children in Chiang Rai province, and fight for change and equality in our communities. Though we are a small organization, thanks to YOU we have made a big impact in people’s lives. Here’s a look at how your support made a difference in 2016: “I think that Center for Girls is a great organization that helps children, especially girls, who don’t have money or opportunities. CFG supports children who have been abused or pushed out of society, like stateless children. The activities CFG does encourage people to ask question and think critically about the issues facing them. Ms. Nunnaree is very kind and capable. When she works with children, she is very understanding and loving.” “I’m really glad to have the Center for Girls Learning Center in my village so close to my home. There are so many activities to teach adults and children about violence against children. I’ve been to every single one. I talk to my friends and my sister about child rights. We cannot allow others to abuse [children].” “I got involved with the Women for Change project because I want everyone to see women as equal members of society. After attending the trainings and workshops, I became more confident in myself. I feel 100% more capable of helping other women.” Center For Girls [email protected] “Center for Girls is very good. They do activities in the community to give knowledge and life skills to all villagers, including children. Ms. Luangmoi (or “Mother Loy” as we call her) is kind and friendly to all the people. She can be herself around everyone and she’s very easy to talk to.” “Ms. Nunnaree helps underprivileged children to know more about society, and she helps us to understand all kinds of issues. Whenever she comes here or does an activity somewhere else, she is very approachable and considerate. When she does activities here, she helps us to feel brave enough to do things we wouldn’t normally do.” Annual report (Jan-Dec 2016)