CEOMOM Magazine January 2017 | Page 6


by : Vonna Matthews
Celebrate the amazing mom you are !
Mom guilt . We all have it . It derives from this notion that what we do and who we are as mothers is never enough to adequately meet the needs of our children . A little voice tells us that we aren ' t being everything that we should be . If we are a stay-at-home mom we feel guilt , because our children may not be spending enough time with other kids . If we are working moms , we feel guilt because our children are at daycare and we have limited time with them . Somehow , no matter what we do or the passion behind our choices , we feel guilt intertwined with thoughts of inadequacy .
We create this idea of a " perfect mom " versus who we perceive ourselves to be . A " perfect mom " would have baked cupcakes from scratch instead of buying store bought ones . A " perfect mom " would not have missed her daughter ' s dance recital for a board meeting . A " perfect mom " would have breastfed for 18 months instead of stopping at 6 . This idea of a " perfect mom " is not only unobtainable , it is unrealistic .