Centennial Symposium Proceedings 2019 | Page 36

In recent years, we have witnessed massive advances in technology that have fundamentally transformed the way environments in which we live, learn, and interact. For institutions, the global connections and tremendous information we now have at our fingertips offer incredible opportunities for learning, but the rapid pace of information (and misinformation) also presents a new and complex set of challenges for educators: in particular, fact and fiction can be difficult to distinguish in our “post-truth” era, and fake news and misinformation spread rapidly and with ease. Consequently, education - and digital/information literacy education in particular - plays a more urgent and important role than ever before. In this presentation, participants were provided with an in-depth look at our complex digital world and the “fake news” phenomenon, and they were introduced to a variety of tools, resources, and strategies for helping students to become critically literate learners and citizens.

Alec Couros

Developing Critical Literacies: What Students Need to Know in a “Fake News” World

I thought Alec Couros was a great speaker..... Would have been a good idea to do small group discussions with him.

Gretchen McCullough, RHET faculty member

It is a wonderful opportunity that you’ve brought in an amazing figure such as Dr. Alec Couros. That bring[s] in another dimension of experience to the whole faculty body - Anonymous