Celebrate Learning! Spring 2014 (Vol 5, Issue 2) | Page 6

(Continued from page 5) for pursuing One Agenda. Table Discussions The launch event focused primarily on direct discussions among high school and college representatives concerning curriculum alignment. Seating had been arranged in advance to bring together faculty and administrators from high schools and colleges at each table. Trained facilitators were oriented to the event and were prepared to guide the 80-minute dialogue. Participants were asked to consider the following questions.  To your knowledge, do high schools and colleges in the Tulsa area align their curriculum in English and mathematics? We received 75 index cards from participants at the One Agenda launch event. Twenty seven or more than one third of all respondents stated that they placed top priority on the work of collaboration. Twenty one of these voiced general support for collaboration. For example, one respondent wrote, “Communication between college and high schools is key.” Six additional respondents commented on the value of the discussion that took place at the launch event. One respondent wrote, “I heard how hard the high school instructors work.” Another stated, “We need more of what happened tonight. The dialogue alone built a bridge and supported One Agenda. It was amazing to have administrators, faculty, student services and coordinators all at one table dialoguing about the total student experience.” Twenty nine respondents focused on specific approaches to 2013 collaboration. Fifteen of One Agenda these expressed interest Event in arranging meetings  Should English among high school and and mathematcollege faculty to align ics curriculum curriculum. For example, one respondent wrote, “We need be aligned from high school to college? Why or why to build a strong vertical team that spans the bridge from not? secondary ed[ucation] to post-secondary ed[ucation]  What barriers or challenges do you anticipate in a colaligning curriculum & pedagogy.” Seven suggested logistilaboration among high schools and colleges, and how cal solutions, such as articulation agreements, meetings to can One Agenda address those challenges? develop relationships, and released time to work together  What should be the top priorities in the action plan for on curriculum alignment. Four respondents placed a priOne Agenda in the coming year? ority on promoting the value of higher education to young  What was the most important issue that was raised at students and their families, and 3 respondents suggested using gateway courses at higher education institutions as your table tonight? the performance goal for K-12. At the end of the table discussion, participants were asked The remaining 19 respondents voiced concern for to write their responses to question #5 on index cards and leave the cards at their tables. Attendees were encouraged a variety of issues. Six respondents identified testing as a to respond in any way that was meaningful to them. Cards problem, both in high school and in college. Six respondents expressed a desire to define college-readiness. Two were collected and responses were classified by topic. A respondents set a priority on leadership of the One Agenda c