Celebrate in Lincolnshire Celebrate in Lincolnshire, civil wedding ceremony | Page 39

A MEMORIAL CEREMONY MAY BE APPROPRIATE IN THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: • The anniversary of a loved one’s death • Following a small private funeral • To acknowledge a stillborn child • Where family, friends and colleagues live abroad and it may not be possible for them to make travel arrangements in time to attend the funeral • When a body is donated to medical research • When someone dies abroad and family and friends are unable to attend the funeral • When a person has been lost/missing for some time and presumed to be deceased • Annual group ceremonies for bereaved families. A memorial ceremony doesn’t have to be a solemn occasion, it is a chance for all who knew the deceased to gather, socialise and share their memories, anecdotes and thoughts. The ceremony will show warmth, sincerity and will uniquely and affectionately celebrate the life of the deceased. A FUNERAL, MEMORIAL OR BURIAL CEREMONY MAY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS:  F  avourite or appropriate music can be played W  elcome, acknowledgement of attendance and a brief explanation of the ceremony  T  hanks or announcements including information on donations and the wake (if applicable) P  oetry or prose and readings A  personal tribute/eulogy to the deceased with the option of short contributions from family, a friend or a colleague A  hymn and/or prayer A  moment’s silence can also be included if you wish, allowing time for reflection or silent/private prayer T  he committal A  brief close. A detailed tribute is paid to them and the life they lived and the legacy they have left behind. A memorial ceremony can take place in a Registration Office. Each ceremony room is unique and can seat between 25–50 guests. Details about each Registration Office are available on our website: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/registrars Alternatively, for the larger celebration, a ceremony can be held in a Licensed Venue or a public building with a private function room, e.g. village hall, hotel, public house, restaurant. Please note that we cannot conduct a ceremony in a private home. “The celebrant was excellent and highly supportive and professional throughout, which we found very comforting at such a difficult time” 38