CEE News Fall 2015 | Page 5

M unicipal wastewater treatment facilities face pressure to produce cleaner discharges while also using less energy. This requires a new paradigm in which wastes are converted into energy. Associate Professor Lisa M. Colosi Peterson and colleagues in the U.Va. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have shown that integration of wastewater treatment and large-scale algae-to-energy systems delivers synergies compared to standalone facilities. Subsequent life cycle assessments (LCAs) have documented the environmental benefits of these systems as pertaining to nutrient recycling. Colosi Peterson’s group is investigating a previously overlooked benefit: algae-mediated removal of unregulated “emerging contaminants,” including estrogens, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products (e.g., sunscreen, detergents, etc). Early results are extremely promising. Colosi Peterson and fellow researchers have observed efficient removal of selected contaminants under lab conditions. Corresponding LCA results indicate that the algaebased system outperforms conventional tertiary treatments, because it is the only option that creates more en ergy than it consumes. Ongoing work will expand our understanding of algae-mediated treatments; making a case for voluntary removal of unregulated contaminants via treatment that essentially pays for itself. Large-scale algae cultivation could be integrated into conventional municipal wastewater treatment, as a means to remove residual nutrients (e.g., nitrogen – N) and also unregulated organic “emerging contaminants” (e.g., estradiol). The resulting algae biomass is suitable for co-digestion with wastewater biosolids, generating net energy output that more than compensates for the addition of an algae cultivation pond downstream from secondary treatment. Because the emerging are not currently regulated, it is appealing to devise cost-effective technologies to remove them before discharge into receiving waters. U.Va. ENGINEERING 5