CCR CSR FCFS Impact Study | Page 22

Appendix 1 . Introduction to FCFS a ) The Challenge for Families

61 million leN -­‐ behind children , only reunited with family once a year
Those who do join their parents ooen do not get adequate care and end up on the factory floor in unsafe condiPons
Distracted workers prone to mistakes miss their children and quit oNen b ) The Challenge for Companies
• Children separated by their parents often end up as child laborers , and contribute to skilled workforce shortage
• Our research demonstrates that 38 % of parents make frequent mistakes at work due to their worry about children , and that 46 % eventually quit work in order to be closer to the family
• Companies are at greater legal and compliance risk due to the presence of children in production areas
c ) What is Factory Child -­‐ Friendly Space ( FCFS )?
CCR CSR offers Parent Support Packages that provide working parents with the support needed to regularly connect with their children , such as pre -­‐ paid phone cards , support groups and activities etc . As part of this package , we also develop an FCFS tool for brands and its suppliers . FCFS is a temporary , factory -­‐ based facility intended to give children and their working parents more time to spend together during the summer . Because of the lack of access to child -­‐ care services , a large number of migrant parents have to leave their child at home in their villages . This separation results in a significant strain on relationships , parents ' well -­‐ being and children ’ s development . By providing a safe and inclusive child -­‐
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