CCF Annual Report 2016/17 Financial Year | Page 51

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2017 2017 $ 2016 $ 1,102,094 1,071,525 Accounts Payable 163,418 65,010 Other Creditors 49,875 39,083 Payroll Liabilities 21,394 21,339 GST Payable 88,847 107,844 Accrued Expenses 6,000 3,600 1,431,628 1,308,401 TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES Current Income not yet earned Total No amounts were payable in respect of legal matters and/or consideration for employers making payroll deductions (2016: $nil) Non-Current Debentures Not Repayable Within One Year 2,000 2,000 40,704 43,083 (899) (3,111) Total 39,805 39,972 Westpac Business Loan (i) 76,812 - Total Current Borrowings 116,617 39,972 Hire Purchase Liability 15,179 56,818 Less Unexpired Hire Purchase Liability (60) (2,480) Total 15,119 54,338 Westpac Business Loan (i) 741,443 - Total Non-Current Borrowings 756,562 54,338 BORROWINGS Current Hire Purchase Liability Less: Unexpired Hire Purchase Liability Non-Current (i) The facilities for this borrowing is secured by the following: $840,000 Limited Guarantee and Indemnity provided by Civil Contractors Federation ABN 41 639 349 350 supported by: Mortgage by Civil Contractors Federation over the property located at 9 Business Park Drive, Notting Hill Vic 3168.