CCF Annual Report 2016/17 Financial Year | Page 50

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2017 cont’d 2017 $ 2016 $ PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Motor Vehicles At cost 275,899 275,899 Accumulated depreciation (120,167) (92,504) 155,732 183,395 415,265 349,797 (285,054) (273,996) 130,211 75,801 55,385 55,385 (16,334) (13,039) 39,051 42,346 109,792 32,476 - - 109,792 32,476 1,523,900 - - - Total 1,523,900 - Total property, plant and equipment 1,958,686 334,018 Total motor vehicles Office Furniture & Equipment At cost Accumulated depreciation Total office furniture & equipment Software At cost Accumulated depreciation Total software CivFast system development At cost Accumulated depreciation Total software development Land and Buildings At cost Accumulated depreciation Movements in carrying amount for each class of property, plant and equipment between the beginning and the end of the current financial year. Motor Vehicles Office Furniture & Equipment Software CivFast Land and Buildings TOTAL 178,728 86,022 50,023 - - 314,773 Additions 51,215 17,841 - 32,476 - 101,532 Disposals (12,750) (12,408) - - - (25,158) Depreciation Expense (33,798) (15,654) (7,677) - - (57,129) Carrying amount at 30 June 2016 183,395 75,801 42,346 32,476 - 334,018 Additions - 70,344 - 77,316 1,523,900 1,671,560 Disposals - (4,859) - - - (4,859) Depreciation Expense (27,663) (11,075) (3,295) - - (42,033) Carrying amount at 30 June 2017 155,732 130,211 39,051 109,792 1,523,900 1,958,686 Balance at 30 June 2015