CCC Fall 2012 | Page 3

A farewell from Director Don

Hey guys,

How's your MEMory going so far?

Time flies so quickly that all the expected and unexpected paper deadlines, team meetings and final exams have been past without notice. All of these academic challenges have solidly built part of our MEMory. As the most vibrant Master Program at the prestigious Duke University, I believe MEMPDC Night events with Bowling, Karaoke, Broomball and Formal have created the most unforgettable and sweetest MEMorys that I will always share joyfully with friends. The CCC, with great pleasure and honor, serves to preserve the best of our MEMory.

Our Duke MEM is so unique that it makes every semester a graduation semester. It's sad indeed that some familiar MEMers who made all ourMEMorys are leaving us. But new MEMers are just on the way to develop brand new MEMory. More importantly, it's not the end of the MEMory for graduating MEMers while we spread the priceless MEMory in exploring across continents and engraving our global life-long MEMory from it.

See you guys around the world!

MEMory will never end

-Director Don (Huizhi) Wang

In this issue


A Farewell from Director Don

MEM Travel Lookbook

Wise Words from Wiser People



