Cauldron Anthology Issue 8: Untold Fortitude cauldronissue8changes | Page 7

From our Editor Dearest Cauldron Readers, I have the hardest time writing these letters to you all. There’s so much that I want to say about the issues Cauldron puts out, but I don’t always know how to put it into words. Untold Fortitude is an issue that means a lot to me because disability is a topic that’s close to my heart. Growing up I didn’t know anything about mental illness or mental health, but I knew that I had issues that I needed help with; getting my diagno- sis of anxiety and depression was life saving. What I really wanted to explore in this 8th issue of Cauldron was life with disabilities in whatever form that looked like for our writers and readers. Some of the pieces you read will talk about the struggles, others will talk about the triumphs, but all of it is real life. I sincerely hope that you all enjoy this issue, that it makes you think, or inspires you, or is just something that you can relate to. Do let us know how we did in this issue; we love interacting with our readers on twitter and the blog. Happy Reading! Abigail Pearson Editor-in-Chief 7 Cauldron Anthology