Cauldron Anthology Issue 8: Untold Fortitude cauldronissue8changes | Page 36

wild A. H. Lewi s They say there are two wolves inside each of us, one good, one bad, and the one we choose to feed is the one that conquers our soul. Starve the bad one, they say, so all that remains is the good. But why not feed both wolves so that you have a pack most internal? Wouldn’t you rather be two thriving wolves instead of one lonely one and one dead one? The bad wolf is only bad because you think one of them has to be. Wolves, like humans, aren’t meant to be alone, and you are a walking wolfpack—they will proudly follow their alpha wherever you go. Unleash both wolves inside you, let the two run side by side all through you; hear those wolves howl at your moonlight within until it rings across your skin like a blade. Don’t apologize for the winged wilderness of your soul—feed both of your glorious wolves to fuel the wild that lives in us all. 36 Cauldron Anthology