Cauldron Anthology Issue 8: Untold Fortitude cauldronissue8changes | Page 24

Mephistopheles Stormy Ski es ...groomed to see the world’s natural splendors Is this goodness and beauty? waking up cold, knowing only the misery of mankind never equipped to stand against evil and prevail- but no archangel am I my soul packed away sold for the strength to forgive it’s wasted on the same three stairs that creak on the way down awake (haven’t yet slept), just the same as the sick world’s promises define you stupid, foolish child, my role unbeknownst to me, a safe place, arms are walls shut the door and you’re invisible stranger, you’re too late. pain and hate and anger drudged up from every single rejection and failure ever to pile on your shoulders, but all I could do was leave and not come back until you were gone. since high school Who are you, really? a thousand exorcisms keep boredom away we drank hope from a poisoned well selfish I wished you death or peace anywhere but in front of me. I cannot fight, why should I need to cope? fear- How could I let it blind me if it’s what I claim to understand? 24 Cauldron Anthology