Cathy the Cupcake Girl Cathy the Cupcake Girl | Page 6

That night..

" Hey Cat! Wanna read this wih me? " Said Sheila, showing her ' All About Cupcakes ' book to Cathy. " Yay! I love that book! You never let me read this, until now! " exclaimed Cathy. She jumped up and down while sticking her tongue out. Sheila laughed. " Hey, how about a sleepover in my room? Then we can play games, read this book, eat some snacks and have a PILLOWFIGHT! " she whispered to Cathy. " Okay! Great idea! " Cathy whispered back.

After getting some sancks from the kitchen and some books from Cathy's room, they closed the door shut.

They had so much fun. They had a pillowfight, and Cathy won the whole time. They also ate cookies, a pudding and some crackers. They even watched " Cookie Guy " at the TV in Sheila's room. But, in the end, they fell fast