Cathy the Cupcake Girl Cathy the Cupcake Girl | Page 4

I hope you like it. And I promise to be nice to you from now on. ^_^


Cathy smiled. She knew her sister would be nice to her one day! As she read the note, she felt that someone else was watching her. She looked behind her and... saw her sister at the door. She was smiling to her, while holding an ice-cream cone. " Hey Cat! Want some ice-cream? There's another three cones of blueberry ice-cream in the fridge. Hurry and get it before Derek does! " Cathy chuckled and replied, " Okay sis! Race ya to the kitchen! Hahaha.. "

Both of them ran to the kitchen, laughing. " Be careful girls! I just opped the floor, so it's quite slippery! " Shouted their mother, Mrs Maxon.