Catalyst Magazine Volume 1 | Page 20

…you haven’t stepped into your power to take hold of your focus, reprogram your thought, behavior and emotional habits, or taken the time to define for yourself who you really are, what you really believe in, what you really want to be, do and have in this life, what really is fun, easy and brings you happiness and joy in your life. Truly—the happiest people I know are also the most audaciously authentic.

#5 What if the reason you’ve stayed stuck in this crap hole because you’ve given your power away to other people you believe to be wiser, stronger, more education or more qualified than you in your search for why you are “broken”?

We are all on a quest to get to know ourselves. This quest is simple. We are looking for the answer the one driving question if our lives, and often, until we consciously take time to become aware of what that question is, we fail to realize that the question we are asking is: “What is wrong with me?”

Beating depression once and for all begins by becoming aware that life can be lived in a happy way. We continue to kick it’s ass by daring to allow ourselves to WANT what we WANT without judgement and in that we begin the process of taking back the personal power we previously gave away to those we were told to believe are more qualified.

Keeping depression out of our lives forever happens naturally when we choose new questions for our focus to find the answers for.

Questions like:

What feels good to me?

What do I enjoy?

What am I grateful for?

When do I feel happiest?

And when we are feeling low, we move through it by feeling the feelings and asking ourselves questions:

What am I noticing right now?

What does this remind me of? (Often there is an old wound that needs love and forgiveness to heal)

What am I not noticing?

What do I need right now? (Self-care is of the utmost importance.)

And finally, what action do I need to take?

The final piece I will add to this healing dialogue is that sometimes we get caught up in the lack of awareness that our “reality” is limited by our own perception. Having a coach or some sort of healing guide helps gain a new perspective outside of ourselves and often this new perspective allows us to move through places where we were previously stuck.

So, from this depression beating Battle Babe to you—here is to you victoriously beating depression for good!