Catalyst - Issue 001 Catalyst Issue 001 | Page 93

8am: We pull out of the neighborhood onto south coast highway with our car stuffed to the brim with the last 63 days of our lives packed neatly into 4 suitcases and 2 duffels. The windows down and both of us staring and taking in every last sense as if to bottle up this feeling and this town so that when its all come and gone we might be able to uncork it again and smell the salt in the air, hear the rustling of the palms, and see the long ups and downs to my favorite highway. Capture the blues that extended from the water at your feet and melted into the sky. You can basically pull off at any point of the 101 and not be disappointed at the beautiful view. calm in my surroundings. And I sat there and knew that these past two months were one of the best decisions of my life. I sat there and knew I was somehow changed forever while remaining exactly who I had always been. I sat there and knew this was home and that I was only leaving for a little while. We kept saying it felt like we were taking a trip to our parent’s house instead of returning home, because home was where we were sitting that morning. Home was where we had biked miles up mountains to make taco Tuesday happy hour. Home was where we knew if you took the shortcut through the trailer park you could sleep an extra 15 minutes before work. Home was where adventure was any way you turned. The chaos of the world doesn’t stop spinning and neither do we. We find our own path and we adapt. We pulled off on a red dirt cliff at the top of La Jolla. We walked and sat on the edge overlooking the railroad tracks and waves crashing near it. It was still early and during the week so it was quiet and I felt that familiar People are always afraid of change. That’s what we all hear everywhere. Change can be scary and change can be good. I think it’s so scary because as humans we want control over our lives, over our circumstances. And change is unpredictable. Yes some changes are calculated but the outcomes can never be predicted with much certainty. It’s horrifying and exhilarating and all the emotions knotting up your stomach in the best and worst ways. When I heard the word catalyst I kind of left it with science and chemistry where I had first heard it. But a catalyst is a change or a driving force toward change. This sounds powerful. This gives change a meaning and a direction and a deliberate choice. And while the world changes around us, wouldn’t it be nice to call the change a catalyst that drives us toward bettering our lives and ourselves. And through it all people may question you and your actions, hell you might even question yourself. But what is life but finding out who we are and our place among all this madness. It’s not a linear equation it’s not an equation that can be calculated on paper. I think happiness comes from within. I think it comes from looking in the mirror and understanding yourself. The good, the bad, the flaws, and the strengths. Seeing what you need to change while remaining the same. The chaos of the world doesn’t stop spinning and neither do we. We find our own path and we adapt. Sometimes change means leaving places…people…mindsets. Sometimes it means chasing a dream you find out isn’t what you want at all and sometimes it’s finding exactly what you were always looking for. Sometimes it’s beginnings and sometimes it’s ends. But I think the idea is finding that place where you aren’t afraid to really look in that mirror and ask the tough questions. Who am I? Who do I want to be? What are my flaws? What do I want to do? I’m not saying I have the answers to all of these or that anyone really ever does. But I think it’s about having the courage to really look, to ask, and to search for the answers. In this I think we find happiness and comfort in being our own catalyst. S I X T Y T H R E E 93