Catalyst - Issue 001 Catalyst Issue 001 | Page 200

Nice , France
Nice , France
The late June sky was as painfully blue as the vibrant Mediterranean Sea . The square was full of life ; small trees dotted the streets everywhere with delicate lacy pink flowers , their petals floating on the sea breeze like wishes around my head . I am reminded how the French buildings make me feel … so creative and love struck and swollen in my soul . I had forgotten how much I love the South of France , distracted by the music and energy of Spain the past month . Nice is absolutely gorgeous and I curse myself for not even having a full day here .
There is so much beauty in this world that I simply cannot cope . Last night , cramped in an 18-person hostel room surrounded by strangers , I would have cut off my right arm to be home and today , I don ’ t think I can ever stop living this way .
It ’ s overwhelming . All of it . The people , the strangers , loving and leaving new friends , room after room with stacked bunks , getting lost and then having to leave once you ’ ve finally found your bearings to a new place just to get lost and do it all over again . The late nights , the laughs , the language barriers . The long rides and sleep deprivation and filthy clothes . But the most wonderfully overwhelming of all is the beauty . It punches you right in the gut and knocks the wind out of you . And I fall in love over and over again with new places and have to tear myself to leave them , not knowing if I will ever touch them again . I think that nothing further could possibly be this beautiful and fill me this way . And I ’ m wrong . I ’ m wrong every time .