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Boost your welding performance with auxiliary options Take a step onto a new level of welding productivity: Combine the welding power of your FastMig M with the speed and reliability of Kemppi’s MagTrac F 61 welding carriage. To take the welding productivity one step further, you can combine your FastMig M and MagTrac F 61 setup with the WiseFusion welding optimisation function. This is a welding combination that delivers quality welds with a very low heat input, resulting in signifi cant reduction in straightening and other after work costs. It has been calculated that this solution can reduce your after work costs by up to 20 %. Furthermore, the FastMig M solution off ers a wide selection of remote control devices to make the welder’s work more effi cient and productive. And if you need more reach, you can connect the SuperSnake subfeeder, which gives you up to 30 meters wider work range. FastMig M is a strong and reliable workhorse no matter which package you choose: Regular or Synergic. Regular FastMig M packages contain an MR control panel, representing the regular way of controlling the welding parameters. This package is suitable for basic welding applications in professional industrial welding. You can choose either regular or synergic way of controlling the welding parameter values on your machine. Both control modes are available for any power source and wire feeder combination. You can choose your wire feeder and control panel combination according to your present welding needs, and if your application changes later on, you can always refresh your FastMig M system with new power levels, wire feeder options and welding software. Choice of wire feeders You have a choice of three wire feeder models to go with your Regular or Synergic FastMig M package. FastMig MXF 63 is a small and light version for 200 mm wire spools, whereas MXF 65 and MXF 67 models fi t 300 mm wire spools. FastMig MXF 67 has an extra strong dual-skin plastic casing. Both regular and synergic control panel options are available for all wire feeder models. You can choose from three diff erent wire feeder options for FastMIg M.: MXF 65, MXF 67 and MXF 63, from left to right. Synergic FastMig M packages contain an MS control panel, which includes easy-to-use synergic functionality and a rich selection of additional features for optimising your welding work. These packages are suitable for professional use in more demanding industrial applications. FastMig M Regular Synergic Power source FastMig M 320 FastMig M 320 FastMig M 420 FastMig M 420 FastMig M 520 FastMig M 520 FastMig M 420MV FastMig M 420MV MXF 65 MXF 65 EL MXF 67 MXF 67 EL MXF 63 MXF 63 EL Cooling unit FastCool 10 FastCool 10 Panels FastMig MR 200 FastMig MS 200 FastMig MR 300 FastMig MS 300 Wire feeder Optional Software WiseFusion WisePenetration WiseRoot WiseThin MatchLog MatchPIN FastMig M 25