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Universal WPSs for MIG/MAG welding in workshops This comprehensive package contains 84 MIG/MAG WPSs that are compatible with all MIG/MAG welding machines. They cover some of the most used solid, metal cored and fl ux cored wires. EN 10 .4 pry ular/S Glob tails: W eld de sl e of Rang ss ickne e of th Rang ) (mm 2 025- 02 EN 10 55 5/S3 /S27 2/1.4 /mm2 S235 1.1/1. 355N 55 ReH≤ A 5/S3 /S27 /mm2 S235 355N H≤ Re B n tails sig de de n Joint aratio prep Weld 3...7 > 500 ed) (rotat > 150 > 500 ed) (rotat > 150 3…7 5-2 Weld ing se quen ces 1 a5 B A 120° 60°< α< This new package with 28 WPSs is developed specifi cally for MIG/MAG butt welding of structural tubes and pipes. They cover some of the most used solid and fl ux cored wires. As a bonus, the package contains eight WPSs for Kemppi WiseRoot+ welding process. proces 1,2 1 135, input Q 30 m) 0,90 0,54… min) 320 1,04 260… 0,55… 0 0...40 9,0 6,0… DC+ 26,0 angle Heat d (kJ/m (mm/ in) 22,0… 250 ma Filler 138 ha terial ndlin ial mater filler See s ction instru ° 75-90 tio ° n na 90 Si1 2 M/G3 G 42 M/G3Si1 a) 3 G 42 M/G3Si1 4 G 42 ials spee v 210… Torch 135 DC+ n ,5… io 22 at 200 in 16 fo 0… rm el Trav d 9,0 7,0… DC 24,5 d spee (m/m U C+ -/D (V) (A) (mm) ltage U I l enera G 1,0 135 1 Universal WPSs for MMA welding on work sites Kemppi’s universal WPS package for MMA welding is based on customer needs. It contains all necessary welding procedure specifi cations, compatible with all MMA welding machines. Cu ers er ramet Size of fill ng pa ial mater Weldi W elding d s n Vo rrent fee W ire rrent/ or cu Type larity po B Ru eter diam outside ) (mm A a3 ... Universal WPSs for MIG/MAG tube welding : sition m): e (m ing po W eld orkpiec , PC tube/w PA, PB ntact ce co Distan nsfer: 20 tra … al 15 of met transfer Mode 3…7 p Grou 608 O 15 EN IS 2/1 1.1/1. E Rev.1 uage Lang DARD E STAN OCEDUR ) PR (WPS DING ION WEL IFICAT 2004 SPEC 609-1: 04 O 15 2: 20 EN IS 61 O 15 : EN IS aning d cle ion an eparat d of pr ding Metho d grin m): ng an ss (m Cutti ne at thick ): Thro ture (°C 3…5 mpera eat Te ) : Preh re (°C peratu ≥ 5 s Tem as rp Inte dard - Stan ° gas flo ding Shiel in 20 l/m 15… 75-90 Desig g manuf 's acture w rate: Clear and easy-to-read welding instructions 13 6, 5, 13 138 90° tificat Iden filler ion of dard Stan 65-80° 14341-A O EN IS tificat Iden rd Stan O 14 ° 65-80 ion da EN IS mater s g ga ieldin of sh 175 th the ion ly wi rmat comp r info ials that Othe ter p Grou M21 ons ab ificati ove ca n be used class , such Au ab OK as Es trod , Elga matic K6. hler EM 3) ler ma a) Fil Welding Procedure Qualifi cation Records (WPQR) 12.51 Bö 100, dy ed bo -35° nen 30 , Notifi Juvo s Oy Kari IW E rkastu ta Ta Inspec 2) 60-65° You and your auditor can see all Welding Procedure Qualifi cation Records (WPQRs) associated with the Welding Procedure Specifi cations right after you’ve purchased the WPS package and registered your user account on our WPS Service site. Customer-specifi c specifi cations and solutions for execution classes EXC3 and EXC4 1) 40-45° m rnströ turer tteri Je ufac Dr. Pe Oy, Man ppi Kem 5/6G H-L04 PA 45° PB/2 G 45° G PC/2 Every WPS sheet has detailed illustrations of welding positions and angles described on the backside / G up PH/5 5F up F PD/4 / The WPS packages contain a binder and a USB memory stick. The binder contains the End User License Agreement (EULA), instructions for use and registration, serial number of the package and the laminated WPS documents (84 for MIG/MAG, 28 for MIG/MAG tube welding and 28 for MMA) in English. The USB memory stick contains the offi cial PDF documents to verify the validity of Kemppi's standard WPS documents and the access to WPS administration site and to diff erent language versions of the WPS documents. wn /6G do J-L045 PE/4 G up PF/3 3F up Contents of the Kemppi Universal WPS package up F /1G/1 F Kemppi is the fi rst welding equipment manufacturer in the world whose welding operations have been granted ISO 3834-2 certifi cation. This is a solid proof of our ability to develop and off er WPSs independently, which makes our WPS service fast and fl uent. itions g pos in Weld down/ PJ/5G n w 5F do wn/ G do PG/3 n w 3F do Kemppi WPS Service site for registration, administration and updates Kemppi WPS online service helps you register and manage your WPSs and WPQRs (Welding Procedure Qualifi cation Records). It also provides an access to latest language versions and revisions of the WPS documents. The WPSs are available in many diff erent languages. Where to buy Providing you hold an active Kemppi trading account, you can buy the Universal WPS packages directly fromKemppi Channel or from dealers and distributors. WPS USB stick containing documents and web links is delivered together with the WPS packages Ordering codes Package type Ordering code Universal WPS package for MIG/MAG 6800003 Universal WPS package for MMA 6800002 Universal WPS package for MIG/MAG tube welding 6800005 For more information, please visit our WPS Service Site at You can also contact our experts directly at [email protected] Universal WPS 115