catalogo--jslmaterialelectricosa.compressed 2015 | Page 166

164 APARELHAGEM MECANISMOS SWITCHES AND SOCKETS APPAREILLAGE Lisboa -5º C +60º C ABS Ref. 700/1 Descr. Ref. Interruptor 700/6L Interruptor 10 Single pole switch  700/2 Descr. Va et vient à voyant 10 Two pole switch 700/6  Comutador de escada 10   Botão de pressão Pulsador 10 Poussoir 10 Ref. Descr. 700/1BL   Descr. Interruptor luminoso Interruptor luminoso Botão de pressão luminoso Pulsador luminoso Push button with position indicator 10 Poussoir à voyant 10 Interrupteur à voyant 700/1S Descr. Push button Inversor Single pole switch with position indicator Ref.  Descr. Permutateur 700/1L Ref. 700/1B Intermmediate switch Ref. 20 Lampe à neon Va et vient Cruzamiento Lâmpada de néon Neon lamp Two way switch 700/7 Descr. Lámpara neón Descr. Commutador Ref. Ref. 700/LN Interrupteur bipolair Ref. 10 Two way switch with position indicator Interruptor bipolar Interruptor bipolar Comutador de escada luminoso Conmutador luminoso Interrupteur Ref. Descr. Ref. Descr. Descr. 700/5 Comutador de lustre Interruptor c/ sinalização Grupo de dos interruptores Interruptor c/ señalización 10 Switch with pilot lamp Interrupteur signalisation Two circuit switch Double allumage 10