Cataloghi diversi Mago Urban Catalogue | Page 32

Dos conceptos en un mismo diseño. Extender y deslizar son los dos conceptos que se han fusionado a la hora de diseñar Public, un banco de hormigón UHPC formado por dos patas o brazos centrales de los cuales se sostienen dos asientos laterales y uno central, facilitando así el uso de este último en el momento crítico de tomar asiento o levantarse, sobre todo a los sectores sensibles de la población como son los ancianos, discapacitados, embarazadas o personas con sobrepeso. Al mismo tiempo, el hecho que los asientos laterales no estén limitados por su parte exterior permite aumentar su ancho proporcionando una mayor amplitud respecto a la plaza localizada entre apoyabrazos. Two concepts in one design. Extending and sliding are the two concepts that have merged at the time of designing Public, a UHPC concrete bench formed by two legs or central arms from which two lateral seats and one central seat are supported, thus facilitating its use by the latter at the critical moment of taking a seat or getting up, above all to the sensible sectors of the population such as the elderly, the disabled, pregnant women or overweight people. At the same time, the fact that the side seats are not limited on the outside makes it possible to enlarge their width by providing a greater width with the seating position located between the armrests. 30