Carondeletter Summer 2014 | Page 36

CARONDELET HIGH SCHOOL 1133 Wi nton D r ive , C oncord , C a l i for n i a 9 4518 -359 8 925/6 8 6 -5353 • w w w.c a ronde le t .ne t ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED NEW POLICY: In consideration of good stewardship of our financial resources and the environment, we will send only one copy of future issues of the Carondeletter to each address. If your daughter moves out or you want additional copies, please let us know and we will add new addresses to our mailing list. Additional copies are also available in the School's Main Lobby. Please email any address corrections to [email protected]. NON-Profit ORG. Presort STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID CARONDELET HIGH SCHOOL