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Team Finn , Realtor Chuck Magnus and Boston Pizza make pink the new black in their growing fundraising program .

Finn is described as a boy who lived with cancer , not a boy who died from cancer , yet since his passing in late 2008 , Finn has continued to bring people together to raise funds for pediatric cancer research .
Team Finn began in 2009 with Finn ’ s Dad , Patrick Sullivan , and close friends cycling in the Ride to Conquer Cancer in Finn ’ s honour . The team has grown exponentially since then , embracing the support and fundraising passion of Boston Pizza and Surrey realtor Chuck Magnus .
“ I just got involved about a year ago ,” said Chuck who operates out of Re / Max Little Oak Realty in Surrey . “ You ’ d know us if you saw us – we wear jerseys in Finn ’ s favourite colour – pink – covered with the words run , jump , bounce , dance , sing , love , smile and ride .”
For Chuck , joining Team Finn was a happy coincidence . Not long after deciding to participate in the two day Ride to Conquer Cancer , Chuck ’ s long-time friend Dan MacEachern ( franchisee of the Newton Boston Pizza ), contacted him to see if he would be interested in joining Team Finn . Chuck immediately became a strong supporter of the Team Finn Foundation .
“ I am able to talk to supporters and show my genuine excitement in raising funds for pediatric cancer research ,” Chuck noted .
Dan ’ s participation with Team Finn evolved from the Boston Pizza Foundation Future Prospect ’ s partnership with the organization .
“ The goals and objectives of the Team Finn Foundation line up perfectly with those of the Boston Pizza Foundation Future Prospects ,” said Cheryl Treliving , the foundation ’ s Executive Director .
According to Cheryl , the relationship with Team Finn has grown organically .
“ The Boston Pizza Foundation Future Prospects wants to support groups doing work on a national basis ,” she noted . “ We also want to work with people who are positive role models . We achieve that with Patrick and Team Finn .”
“ In 2008 , I was told the worst thing a parent can hear ,” Patrick said . “ Since that time , Team Finn has been on a mission to change that story , to create a new ending . This partnership with Boston Pizza , nationally and now locally , gives us the opportunity to do that faster .”
While national support from Boston Pizza started when Team Finn began , last year , Dan and Chuck got involved when it became obvious that local support would be a huge benefit .
“ The Boston Pizza Foundation Future prospects asked me to find ways to get Team Finn rippled out to all of our restaurants ,” Dan said . “ I ’ m thrilled to see this grow . Imagine all the ways we can contribute to pediatric cancer research by providing support at the restaurants . We hope that every one of our locations in the Lower Mainland will have 25 or more riders [ in the Ride to Conquer Cancer from Team Finn ] and we will help every one of them raise funds .”
“ It ’ s okay for adults to be a three-year-old once in a while ,” Patrick noted . “ Embrace these moments as they come to you . We ’ ve been working with Boston Pizza for six years and whether nationally or locally , they get that .”
Find out more about the Team Finn Foundation and have Boston Pizza ’ s support by connecting at teamfinn . com or liking the Team Finn Foundation page on Facebook .
“ You ’ d know us if you saw us – we wear jerseys in Finn ’ s favourite colour – pink – covered with the words run , jump , bounce , dance , sing , love , smile and ride .” – Chuck Magnus
Come and join the Ride with the Boston Pizza / Team Finn Team !
PHOTO : Team Finn contributions to pediatric cancer research are rolling ahead with the committed support of Chuck Magnus [ LEFT ], Patrick Sullivan and Dan MacEachern .