Caring magazine 48 Caring April 2018 | Page 5

Find out more: or when a line manager changes. Carers often report that having to explain their caring situation several times and/or to different people can make an often difficult situation even more challenging. employee. The Passport should mean your caring role is understood on a day to day basis, and you don’t have to only go to them when you reach crisis point. To find out more about how you could use a Carer Passport scheme at work, visit the website to watch our animated video: employment Communication Frustrations and fears can also come when trying to communicate our caring roles to colleagues and line managers. We can worry that the person we care for is being judged or that we will miss out on promotions because of our caring responsibilities. Low levels of awareness about caring, mean we can feel unsure about talking about our caring roles and any adjustments that may need to be made. If your employer cannot give you any flexibility to cope with the unpredictable nature of caring, you may even feel you are unable to continue in your job. Awareness Carers report being unaware of their rights to request flexible working, or lack the confidence to approach the topic. We may face the daily pressure of needing to maintain contact with the person we care for, but find this difficult to agree with our employer. The format of the Passport itself will help to create a more supportive way of communicating between employer and @carersuk /carersuk “Caring is a growing issue in the workplace and the business case for supporting employees who are juggling work and care is becoming ever more apparent.” Katherine Wilson, Head of Employers for Carers Employment Your Carer Passport Log Employee name: Your guide Manager: Date of first ort sp rer Pas ew Ca The n oyment pl in em discussion: logo Emplo yment Let’s ta lk about c aring logo Comb ini for fam ng work wit h ca ily or frie a disab nds wh ring, unpaid, ilit support y, illness or o have who ne in later ed life? Our Ca rer Passp improv e suppo ort scheme can rt, flexibil underst an these vita ding, to help ty and you in l roles. both Start you r conver sation today. ent: Date of agreem ‘live’ document ned to be a This is desig and when ed periodically er that is to be review es change, wheth a year. circumstanc months, or after in a couple of carerpa carerpasspor e has port Guid r Pass This Care been created ssport.u k by: asspor carerp ment employ 1 Census, 2011 5