Caribbean Entertainment Magazine - Volume 6 Nov - Dec 2013 | Page 54

O HEALTH ctober was “Breast Cancer Month”; we are continuing to spread the awareness of this epidemic that is claiming so many lives. What is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that Developed from cells of the breast. Symptoms of breast cancer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A thickening or lump in the breast or armpit usually observed after the menstrual cycle. Swelling in the armpit. A change in the size or shape of the breast and pain in the breast. Changes in the skin of the breast like dimple in the skin or skin that looks like an orang peel. Changes in the nipple like indrawn nipple, nipple that is itchy or ulcerous. Unusual discharge from the nipples including occasional blood discharge. Marble like area under the skin. Change in the color or peel of the skin around the nipple. Dilated veins. Hardness of the breast. Visible flattening on the breast. There is no certain way to prevent breast cancer for now but to ensure eating healthy and exercise in or to prevent being a great risk. After your monthly cycle check your breasts for any abnormality that may have occurred . 54