Career Tech | Page 19

GRAPHIC AND DESIGN PATHWAY Graphic Output Processes (4th course-End of 2nd Pathwaycommunications) Course Description: As the third course in the Graphics Communication Pathway, students will gain more advanced levels of experience to complete the output processes of various projects in an increasingly independent manner. Students also learn to manage the output and completion process as a whole including customer relations management, printing, finishing, and binding. Students will continue to accumulate work samples that will constitute their personal portfolio. Upon successful completion of the course, students are prepared to move into employment or a postsecondary educational environment where self-motivation and a high level of skill are expected. This is the final course in the Graphic Communication Pathway. The prerequisite for this course is Graphic Design and Production. Pre-Requisite: Grade Levels: Terms Offered: Unit of Credit: Advanced Graphic Design 9-12 Fall & Spring 1.0