CMU Career Guide CMU Career Guide | Page 20

STEPS TO ADAPT YOUR BRAND AND APPLICATIONS 1 BUILD YOUR BRAND 1 MEDIUM SELF-REFLECT (KNOWLEDGE) 2 SHOWCASE (NETWORK) 3 SUBMIT (MEET NEED) PHASE 1: SELF-REFLECT (KNOWLEDGE) 2 SELF-REFLECT on experiences, skills, interests, gaps and overall value to develop SELF-KNOWLEDGE. This is for YOU! 1. MEDIUM: 2. APPEARANCE: Clean & Consistent to stay organized 3. ORGANIZATION: Categorize experiences that are relevant to you with headings that keep you organized (pg. 13) 4. DETAILS: Create detailed sentences that showcase skills you feel are relevant to your story y (pg. 14) APPEARANCE (FORMAT & STYLE) PHASE 2: SHOWCASE (NETWORK) 3 SHOWCASE your experiences, skills, interests and overall value to professionals and employers in your career NETWORKING. ORGANIZATION (EXPERIENCES) 1. MEDIUM: 2. APPEARANCE: A format and style that is clean and consistent is still key. Consider adjusting appearance to the industries or professionals that will see your information. 3. ORGANIZATION: Organize and target headings based on who may see your materials. This means that using How will you categorize and label all of your relevant experiences so that the most important stand out? • Headings - The more unique/specific the situation (ex. reflection vs. networking vs. application), the more targeted your headings can be using keywords. See examples below: • PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE - MARKETING & SALES EXPERIENCE • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - CAMPUS LEADERSHIP • EMPLOYMENT - CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE 4 4. DETAILS: Reorganize and adjust sentence content based on relevance to what your profession or employers would value. PHASE 3: SUBMIT (MEET NEED) DETAILS (SKILLS) Storytelling through descriptive language and sentences brings your experiences to life! The key is to develop language that is balanced in showing value without being too short or lengthy. An example bullet-point is below: STRONG ACTION VERB + WHO AND WHAT + WHY/RESULT OF ACTION NOTE: Use the correct verb tense when writing bullet point statements. If you currently hold the position, or are currently performing a task, use a present tense verb (ex: Coordinate). If it is a position you’ve held in the past, or a past task, use a past tense verb (ex: Coordinated). 19 SUBMIT an application that displays how your experiences, skills, interests, and overall value connect to the NEEDS of an employer, organization, or school. 1. MEDIUM: Targeted “Application Resumes,” cover letters – pgs. 21, 22 2. APPEARANCE: material match the employer culture and expectations. 3. ORGANIZATION: skills) and using their language can be key. 4. DETAILS: Be even more strategic with reorganizing sentences and adjusting content to best align with the job posting requirements to show value and relevancy. 20