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Real-world safety outcomes from one ongoing US study 13 of 27,467 nonvalvular AF patients Results based on 15 months of data from an ongoing, 5-year postmarketing safety surveillance study to evaluate major bleeding in patients receiving XARELTO® in a real-world clinical setting. Cases of major bleeding were identified through electronic health records from the US Department of Defense database, from January 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014. RATES OF BLEEDING COMORBID PATIENTS STUDIED EVENT RATE/100 PATIENT-YEARS 20 15 10 5 0 2.86 0.08 major bleed (n=478) fatal bleed (n=14) 0.1% ICH (n=36) 1.5% GI bleed (n=423) 87% Mean age: 76 with comorbidities including: diabetes heart failure renal disease RESULTS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR DIRECT COMPARISON WITH CLINICAL TRIALS A validated computer database algorithm developed by Cunningham et al, which identifies bleeding-related hospitalizations from a primary discharge diagnosis, was used to identify major bleeding events in this study. The definition of major bleeding is not an exact match with the ROCKET AF trial. LIMITATIONS: This is a retrospective study and there is no comparator arm in the trial. Differences in study design, patient populations, definition of safety outcomes, and data collection methods make it difficult to make comparisons with clinical trials.13 RATES OF BLEEDING IN ROCKET AF (N=7,111)*14: The event rate per 100 patient-years was 3.6 (n=395) for major bleed and 0.20 (n=27) for fatal bleed† • 0.8% of patients experienced an ICH (n=55) and 3.1% of patients experienced a GI bleed (n=221) AF = atrial fibrillation; GI = gastrointestinal; ICH = intracranial hemorrhage. *XARELTO® was evaluated versus dose-adjusted warfarin in more than 14,000 patients with nonvalvular AF at moderate to high risk for stroke in a rigorously designed, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, event-driven phase III trial. XARELTO® demonstrated effective reduction in the risk of stroke and non-CNS systemic embolism in patients with prior stroke or multiple comorbidities.14 †Major bleeding from ROCKET AF study was defined as clinically overt bleeding associated with a decrease in hemoglobin of ≥2 g/dL, transfusion of ≥2 units of packed red blood cells or whole blood, bleeding at a critical site, or with a fatal outcome.14 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (cont’d) CONTRAINDICATIONS Active pathological bleeding Severe hypersensitivity reaction to XARELTO® (eg, anaphylactic reactions) WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Increased Risk of Thrombotic Events After Premature Discontinuation: Premature discontinuation of any oral anticoagulant, including XARELTO®, in the absence of adequate alternative anticoagulation increases the risk of thrombotic events. An increased rate of stroke was observed during the transition from XARELTO® to warfarin in clinical trials in atrial fibrillation patients. If XARELTO® is discontinued for a reason other than pathological bleeding or completion of a course of therapy, consider coverage with another anticoagulant.