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THE BE T Number Check | #√ Get Schooled on Heart Failure 20% The decreased risk of early-onset heart failure in heart attack patients who were college educated compared with those who attended primary school. Patients who graduated from high school or vocational school experienced a 9% decrease in heart failure risk. When examining lateonset heart failure, patients with secondary or tertiary education had 14% and 27% lower risk of heart failure, respectively, compared to patients with primary education. Source: European Society of Cardiology. Press release. JulyJuly 19, 2016 Source: European Society of Cardiology. Press release. 19, 2016 Watch Out Binge-Watchers! 70% The increased risk of dying from a pulmonary embolism among those who watched 2.5 to 4.9 hours of television daily compared to those who watched less than 2.5 hours. This increase was 40% greater for each additional two hours of television viewing, and 2.5 times higher among those who watched five or more hours a day. Source: Circulation. News release. July 25, 2016. More Reasons to Get a Flu Shot 19% The reduction in heart attack readmissions during flu season in patients with type two diabetes who had received a flu shot. There was also a 30% reduction in admissions for stroke, 22% for heart failure and 15% for pneumonia or the flu. People who were vaccinated also had a 24% lower death rate than patients who were not vaccinated. Source: Canadian Medical Association Journal. Press release. July 25, 2016. Move More to Help Your Heart 21% The decreased risk of death for each measurable increase in fitness levels. The importance of physical fitness in mortality was second only to smoking, and higher than high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Source: HealthDay. News article. July 27, 2016. 8 CardioSource WorldNews September 2016