CardioSource WorldNews | Page 11

Toothless Grin, Unhealthy Heart 17% The increased risk of cardiovascular death for those with a high level of tooth loss (26–32 teeth lost)—a surrogate for periodontal disease. There is also a 14% increase in stroke for those with higher levels of tooth loss. Researchers suggest that gum disease and inflammation may lead to atherosclerosis progression and plaque instability. Source: Vedin O, Hagstrom E, Budaj A, et al. Eur. J. Prev. Cardiol. 2015;doi:10.1177/2047487315621978. [Epublished before print] Campaign Success 5 The number of years the CDC’s Tips from Former Smokers campaign has been working to reduce the number of American smokers. Since 2012, the Tips campaign has generated more than 600,000 additional calls to the toll-free quitter hotline. The campaign features true stories of smokers who have suffered damaging health effects from the habit. Source: Center for Disease Control. News release. Jan. 21, 2016. Mo’ Money, Less Problems Pass the Salt? 42.3% The percentage of study participants who had a higher risk of death or heart failure (HF) hospitalization after restricting sodium. Doukky and colleagues sought to evaluate the impact of sodium restriction on HF, reporting, “In symptomatic patients with chronic HF, sodium restriction may have a detrimental impact on outcome.” Source: Doukky R, Avery E, Mangla A, et al. JCHF. 2016;4(1):24-35.  50% The increase in nutritional value for healthier, more expensive foods, especially fruits and vegetables, compared to cheaper, more processed foods. The study authors seek to raise awareness for public health officials, as study results underline the need for policies and action that promote healthy diets accessible to all income levels. Source: Schröder H, Serra-Majem L, Subirana I, et al. Br J Nutr. 2016;doi: 10.1017/S0007114515005048. Stop It Before It Starts 86 million T