CardioSource WorldNews | Page 31

patients must participate in their formation so that they address the issues that matter most to them in an efficient and sustainable manner.” Ong MK, Romano PS, Edgington S, et al. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.7712. Periodontitis Increases Risk of a First MI infarction (MI), according to a study published in Circulation. The PAROKRANK study (periodontitis and its relation to coronary artery disease), a multicenter case-control Swedish study, was conducted in 805 patients (ages < 75 years) with a first myocardial infarction (MI) and 805 age (mean Patients with periodontitis are at greater risk for a first myocardial Chronic Angina may be holding him back For patients limiting their activity due to chronic angina, adding Ranexa® may help In the CARISA Trial1 Ranexa 1000 mg BID,* when added to a beta-blocker or calcium channel blocker,† was superior to those treatments plus placebo at: Increasing exercise duration (24 secs change vs placebo from baseline at Week 12) Increasing the time to onset of ischemia during exercise testing at peak plasma concentrations (94 vs 59 secs) Decreasing angina frequency (2.1 vs 3.3 avg/wk) Decreasing nitroglycerin use (1.8 vs 3.1 avg doses/wk) Learn how Ranexa may help your patients get back on track BID = twice daily *Limit the dose of Ranexa to 500 mg BID when coadministered with diltiazem, verapamil, or other moderate CYP3A inhibitors. † CARISA TRIAL DESIGN1: CARISA (Combination Assessment of Ranolazine In Stable Angina) was a doubleblind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 823 patients with chronic angina who received Ranexa 750 mg BID (n = 272), Ranexa 1000 mg BID (n = 261), or placebo (n = 258) for 12 weeks (note, 750 mg is not an approved dose). At the physician’s discretion, patients received either atenolol 50 mg, amlodipine 5 mg, or diltiazem 180 mg once daily as requ