they’re causing very different processes to occur.

Traditional cigarettes are made from tobacco, a plant native to North and South America. After the plants have been harvested, tobacco farmers “cure” (dry) the leaves for use in an array of products, including chewing tobacco, and, as we’ll focus on here, tobacco cigarettes (and cigars).

medical marijuana couldn’t be greater. Don’t let external similarities (or political platforms) mislead you: Cannabis is considerably safer than tobacco.

Cannabis cigarettes (“joints”) and tobacco cigarettes look vaguely similar from the outside. But on the inside of your body, they’re causing very different processes to occur.

Is Cannabis Safer

than tobacco?


omparisons between Cannabis and tobacco are inevitable. After all, both are plants, both can be smoked, both produce intoxicating effects, both are tightly regulated, and both are used by millions of people. How different could they really be? In fact, the difference between tobacco and medical marijuana couldn’t be greater.