The fact that smoking a filter less joint allows smoke to remain in the lungs longer further damaging the lungs will never silence the critics. Now that marijuana can be delivered in beverages and foods that include gummy bears, brownies and teas it still does not silence the many critics who simply may not want to see Cannabis legalization and use across the board.

While the powers that be are focusing on marijuana and lung health currently, environmental, general business and other health concerns including neurological and cognitive effects and who will address and focus on these issues are being planned out as well. Into the Cannabis industry enters state licensed counselors, consultants and unfortunately, attorneys to help make sense of it all along with establishing best practices (Custom Cannabis Solutions Bureau, 2017).

Although the jury is still out, there has been research conducted on Cannabidiol (CBD) oil and asthma. In one study using rats, CBD showed promise as a way for Hemp to improve the symptoms of asthma that include wheezing. Early research shows that CBD works as an anti-inflammatory to minimize inflammation in people with asthma but again, vaping and smoking is prevalent with those with asthma as well. Even though prescriptions are being written by doctors, information regarding lung health and smoking vs edibles is not necessarily being delivered to patients (Chavez, 2017). Dennis Thompson from the HealthDay Reporter suggests that “vaping marijuana and electronic cigarettes could increase a young person’s risk of respiratory infections and it does not matter if the cigarette contains nicotine or not”. The study further showed that lung tissue in children appeared to suffer damage when exposed to e-cigarette vapor in a laboratory setting (Thompson, 2015). In the study, once the respiratory system is exposed to vaping or an e-cigarette, cells become more susceptible to infections by rhinovirus, the prime cause of the common cold.