CANNAHEALTH Seniors: Finding Comfort with Cannabis | Page 37

Many Baby-Boomers will tell you that they used cannabis in their teen years and during college but stopped using it when they became parents. Today, they comprise one of the fastest growing demographics of cannabis-users, particularly men who are 50 years old and older.

Pain, depression, anxiety and insomnia are just a few of the conditions that many Baby-Boomers seek relief from when they use cannabis. And perhaps the greatest benefit for the people who do choose cannabis to treat their symptoms. They are not at risk of suffering from polypharmacy if cannabis is the only substance they are using. One medicinal plant treats a multitude of conditions to which the baby-boomers are overwhelmingly saying a resounding “YES!”. And who could blame them? Certainly not this Cannabis Nurse.

-Marissa Fratoni, RN, BSN