CANNAHEALTH Rediscovering Hemp | Page 34

Growing hemp was once a patriotic act.

Hemp is the non-psychoactive cousin of its better known relative, cannabis. Both are technically cannabis sativa but, by definition, hemp contains far lower amounts of THC. It can still be rich in cannabidiol, CBD, and other cannabinoids.

Both hemp and cannabis have been used and farmed throughout history. Weaving of hemp fiber began at least 10,000 years ago. Based on carbon dating, humans may have used wild hemp as early as 8,000 BC.

It’s fiber has been used for clothing, flags, rope and was essential for the riggings and sails on boats and sailing ships. In fact, Henry VIII had farmers plant hemp to provide for the British Naval Fleet. Later, some US colonies would be required to grow Indian hemp and could be sentenced to jail for non-compliance. Americans farmers were able to pay their tax liabilities with hemp recognized as legal tender.

Hemp for Victory 2.0