CANNAHEALTH Rediscovering Hemp | Page 13

deal of inflammation in the body.

Omega-9 fatty acids (oleic acid) are not necessarily considered essential fatty acids as the body does produce them. Some sources of omega-9 fats include almonds, safflower oil, olive oil, and you guessed it — hemp seed oil. Omega-9 fats may combat heart disease by increasing good cholesterol levels (HDL) and reducing bad cholesterol levels (LDL). Omega-9 fats may also improve mood, reduce anger, and increase energy.

What the hemp?

So you may now be trying to figure out how to consume the proper amounts of omega fatty acids so that you can decrease inflammation, improve your mood, give you energy, all while striving to NOT increase inflammation! Thankfully, the Earth provides, you guessed it — hemp! Hemp provides one of the best sources of essential fatty acids to promote wellness and healing in the human body. The omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in hempseed oil is normally between 2:1 and 3:1, which is considered to be optimal for human health. In addition to being this well-balanced source of omega fatty acids, hemp seed is also an excellent source of plant-based protein, fiber, vitamin E, and minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium.

Give me all the hemp!

Wanna reap the benefits of hemp, hemp seeds or nuts or hearts? There are a lot of quality products on the market. Hemp protein powders, hempseed oils, hemp hearts (shelled hemp seeds), and whole hemp seeds are available for purchase in major supermarkets, online from small hemp businesses, and in health food stores. Try a variety of hemp and hemp seed products to boost your health and healing abilities. Support local when you can, and know who is making the product you are interested in purchasing. (Hint: This is a good rule to go by when purchasing anything!) Pain attention to tension and pain in your body and look for reductions in these symptoms. Also pay attention for improved energy and perhaps even better sleep. Here’s to your health with hemp!

-Marissa Fratoni