CANNAHEALTH Opioids, Veterans and Addiction | Page 51

great hospital but I was extremely nervous during the process because of the stories of botched procedures, baby deaths and delivery issues within the VA Healthcare System. The time it takes for many veterans to receive care from the VA Healthcare System is abysmal. (2018) reports that approximately 300,000 veterans have died while waiting to receive care! What!? But more importantly, why? If this were any other population society would be outraged.

So, what is happening while they are waiting? Opioids to stem the tide. Opioids for pain, anxiety, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and every other disease, injury, and mental illness that a veteran has is being fed some type of opioid until care can be had from a confused VA system.

The Inspector General further cites that "serious" problems with enrollment data are making it impossible to determine exactly how many veterans (are) actively seeking healthcare from the VA, and how many (were) seeking care. Are they saying that "data limitations" prevent investigators from determining how many, now deceased, veterans applied for health care benefits or when (, 2018)? In other words, the VA has an appointment making data issue? Are they serious? If VA care is lacking for males, it's severely lacking for females.

Veterans are overdosing on painkillers to the equivalent of heroin; other studies show that people who are prescribed opioid painkillers are 40 times more likely to become addicted to heroin at some point (, 2018). Veterans are being given large doses of narcotic prescription drugs like Percocet. In 2001, statistics from the VA showed that they prescribed the opioid painkiller Hydrocodone to 1,130 soldiers. By 2012, those prescriptions had soared to 47,586 patients; a 4,100 percent increase in 11 years and yet still no outcry or societal inquiry as to how this happened.

Who will the current Commander and Chief call if we have go to war again? I can guarantee you it will not be this nation's veterans. Maybe calling back the Draft is in order? Apparently, the average citizen does not care what veterans go through until, of course, they need them to volunteer to protect the country. Does this administration understand or care what is happening to the