CANNAHEALTH Opioids, Veterans and Addiction | Page 33

A few years ago, I hadn’t even heard of the variety of Cannabis known as hemp. And, even if I had heard about it, I honestly thought the words hemp, marijuana and Cannabis could be used interchangeably. They were all used to describe a plant that, once ingested, would turn my brain into a sizzling egg in a frying pan and ruin my life irreversibly, forever and ever, until the end of time. And, I wasn’t alone with this message. If you grew up in the 80’s, chances are “high” (pun intended) that you were subjected to the same ongoing campaign of misinformation about hemp too. The truth is simple. Hemp has been lending a helping hand to humanity for a very long time and there is no justifiable excuse to continue to restrict its widespread cultivation today.

Over the past 12,500 years, some 25,000 different uses for hemp have emerged. Not one of those uses is getting anyone high. Hemp can be food, fuel, fiber and medicine. It can be used for building materials, ropes, cloths, paper and sails. It’s a documented super food which contains an ideal balance of omega fatty acids.

Hemp also has the ability to absorb carbon from the atmosphere 4x’s faster than forests and it matures in less than 5 months. This phytoremediative crop improves the quality of the soil where it’s been planted and requires roughly ¼ of the water used in traditional cotton farming.

hemp Helps

in ways