CANNAHEALTH Holistic Health | Page 8

'smoking a joint' sign. As there are growing applications

for a diverse community, people like Nelson and Curley see the importance of this program. It can be a way to bring awareness and accessibility to a larger part of the community. Nelson has connected the hearing impaired, interpreters, and community leaders to help develop sign language to be more inclusive. Curley feels this is imperative, “You can't have hearing people, create the language for deaf people. They need to do it.” This hope is to have those affected by hearing impairment create the new signs, which will increase awareness and foster better communication.

To help the organization grow, Curley held a fundraiser in the way of silent auction. She was able to raise money and bring awareness to the cause. By encouraging others to do the same, Curley feels the organization will grow and become more accessible to those who are affected by hearing loss. To become a part of the movement visit and learn more about hosting an event.

Photo: Cait Curley

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