CANNAHEALTH Holistic Health | Page 70

This organization has helped me through my mental health recovery and addiction recovery (11 1/2 years clean). In addition, my adult children have mental disorders and I am a long distant care provider for my mother who has dementia and depression. In addition, I am a Connection Peer to Peer Facilitator, In Our Own Voice Speaker, Family to Family Graduate, and Peer to Peer Trainer.

I've made my share of mistakes. However, I take one footstep at a time and appreciate life every day.

Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, where I currently reside; I come from a musical background and I am talented in sketch art. My parents & grandparents were involved in the arts and entertainment industry. Arts were in my genes.

Exposure to art did not come in my life until I starting to read clothing magazines. That inspired me to create my first drawings. I developed my skills as a kid up until my teenage years. Being around my mother, I was exposed to various genres of music which developed a love for creativity. I played around with singing and rapping. I picked up my first keyboard as a kid. Those moments were the beginning of my destiny. I gradually shifted from arts to music. Hip hop/rap/r&b became the art forms that gravitated me to write my first rhyme. I developed my lyrical skills since I was 15.

These transitions in my life also played a part in my mental health.

Because I went through rough times in the household. My parents married then divorced. I witnessed abuse and suffering during elementary, middle school, and high school. Adding to the problems, me and my siblings were bullied a lot only because we were different from the other kids.

played a part in my mental health. Because I went through rough times in the household, my parents married then divorced. I witnessed abuse and suffering during elementary, middle school, and high school. Adding to the problems, me and my siblings were bullied a lot only because we were different from the other kids.

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Uno's Story