CANNAHEALTH Holistic Health | Page 48

For Josie, daily

cannabis consists of a

strong indica strain

that reduces her pain

and increases her

appetite. She finds that

her daily cannabis

use also reduces her


Tasha is yet another

woman I spoke to who

also consumes

marijuana regularly to

reduce anxiety by

either smoking, vaping

or ingesting—but

almost always at night.

She finds it greatly reduces her anxiety, and she’s also

experienced other benefits. "I was

diagnosed with endometriosis almost

20 years ago and a result of that is inflammation flare-ups that my own body is creating," Tasha explains. "I also had sinus surgery that involved all of my face a few years ago as a result of polyps. After extensive allergy testing, no one could give me an answer as to why polyps were developing other than inflammation my body was generating. They gave me a 60% chance the polyps would grow back after the surgery."

Tasha was excited about the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis. Her sinus check-up last year showed no signs of the polyps returning. She is also starting to experiment with adding cannabis strains high in CBD to aid in recovery when weightlifting three times a week.

If you’re thinking about taking cannabis or CBD regularly, Dr. Solomon advises that you consider the following:

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