CANNAHEALTH Holistic Health | Page 46


ondering about daily cannabis use as part of a regular health routine? I have to admit that as much as I’ve learned about the therapeutic uses of marijuana, I still have one foot in the “cannabis is an effective medicine” camp and the other in the “oh, no, I can’t use cannabis daily and still function” camp.

Wanting to learn more about daily marijuana use—and hopefully overcome some of my own nervousness around it—I turned to Dr. Perry Solomon, chief medical officer at HelloMD.

marijuana use—and hopefully overcome some of my own nervousness around it—I turned to Dr. Perry Solomon, chief medical officer at HelloMD.

According to Dr. Solomon, our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) can become deficient, and consuming tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD)—two of the main cannabinoids in cannabis—can help our bodies restore an internal balance or homeostasis.


The daily





"Ellementa is a fast-growing international network and resource for women interested in cannabis for health, wellness and caregiving."

By Aliza Sherman,

CEO of Ellementa

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