CANNAHEALTH Holistic Health | Page 33


Oskii: As healthy as we are, we are still living in an unhealthy environment.

At your age, you want to emphasize protection and prevention of the age-related illnesses like Alzheimer's, arthritis, menopause, and inflammatory issues. The vitamins and minerals we need can be found in food we prepare for ourselves using herbs as well as cannabis. The most important advice I would give is to be patient and open to what food and blends of herbs work for you to feel your best.

Marilyn: If you were to recommend the best book to use as a guide to a plant based holistic lifestyle what would it be?

Oskii: The Kemetic Diet by Muata Ashby which actually has three parts: mind, body and soul. The diet is the body part.

Marilyn: What tools do I need to create and prepare delicious holistic plant based food?

Oskii: I’m Jamaican, I love to eat delicious rich food. A food processor, an air fryer, and a dehydrator are the best tools to have. You can shop for and cook tasty vegan food in bulk, and you will spend less time and money to eat healthy and holistically. For example, one five-pound bag of dried chick peas can be prepared and cooked to last for a month. You can create chickpea dishes such as hummus, falafel, and maybe chickpea burgers to put in the freezer. We can get fresh produce and prep and cook in bulk, dishes like: mac and cheese, soups, chili, baked bread items, veggie burgers, meatballs, stews, and so much more. By prepping our produce and food products in advance and using the tools we listed along with modern freezers, which we all have in our homes, we can spend less money and with practice less time creating pure holistic vegan food. What we are doing is actually processing our own delicious and holistic plant based foods. And all these meals taste better when reheated too.

Marilyn: I’m also addicted to cheese. Can you help?

Oskii: Remember, what the brain is looking for are the tastes of salt, fat, and sweet. You can trick the brain and swap endorphins by using plant based foods. For cheese, use a food processor and raw soaked cashews to make vegan cheese products. Changing the amounts of nutritional yeast, lime juice and salt, you can create vegan cheese products from creamy to sliceable.

"The journey to holistic health and continued wellness should not be thought of as a chore or a burden. Instead, it can be thought of as an adventure without a finish line, a continuous hike on a trail, or an exciting challenge."

"The vitamins and minerals we need can be found in food we prepare for ourselves using herbs as well as cannabis. The most important advice I would give is to be patient and open to what food and blends of herbs work for you to feel your best."