CANNAHEALTH Holistic Health | Page 32

Marilyn: Since I first

met you and we

talked, I have made

some changes in my

life. You inspired me

to start juicing again

and I’ve begun

composting. I also

now begin my day

with a warm cup of

water with fresh lime

and the first thing I

am eating every day

is something plant based. But I am addicted to sugar, and I struggle daily. What do I need to do to overcome my sugar addiction?

Oskii: Sugar addiction, nine times out of ten, is related to the parasites that live within us. Unless you’ve been flushing, fasting and detoxing, then these parasites are powerful and can work like a brain to create cravings. Sugar creates the parasites and then the parasites create cravings

that seek more sugar. Fasting is one way to reboot and reset the system. Another option to consider is a parasite cleanse or something I coined my own phrase for, an “endorphin swap.” This is a method I created that pleases sugar cravings by swapping them with a plant based healthy sugar. (Oskii Tip) An easy to find plant based sugar swap is dates

and date sugars. Use a cashew butter with a little honey and nutmeg, or a quality brazil nut mixed with coconut oil or avocado oil rich with omega 3 fatty acids. Slather that on some ground dates with a dash of vanilla and put it in the freezer, to create a fatty sweet vanilla treat. Consider

coconut oil pulling to detoxify and counteract long term sugar deterioration and damage. Also, dates in the morning on an empty stomach

will kill intestinal worms and other parasites.

Marilyn: What are the main things I need to do to live longer and live well. I started my health and wellness journey when I was about 300 pounds,

sedentary, not exercising, and on my

way to disease. I’m looking at 60 soon, how do I level up for a healthy long life?

"Oskii comes from over 25 years of cannabis experience and three generations of Jamaican agriculture, holistic plant-based healthy living and naturopathic medicine. There is kindness and passion in his eyes and knowledge in his genes."

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