CANNAHEALTH Cannabis and Human Behavior | Page 31

Dr. Padma-Nathan recently served as the chairman for the April 2018 Cannabinoids in Medicine Conference in Los Angeles, California. The conference included an assortment of medical doctors, pharmacists, oncologists, neuroscientists, neurobiologists, neuropsychopharmaco-logists, pediatricians, biological chemists along with the former commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, David Kessler, MD, JD. The overall pulse of the conference was to apply a scientific consistency to better understand the basic and translational science of the endocannabinoid system and identify potential goals for therapeutic applications and medicinal delivery. The panelists and speakers were assembled to discuss the new cannabinoid frontiers, research findings, novel drugs and unique delivery systems in




Cannabinoid Medicine. Only one cannabis grower identified his organization during the conference to our surprise.

The attendees observed Dr. Padma-Nathan meticulously introduce the panel of speakers during the program along with each of their connections to Cannabinoids in Medicine. The program was tightly woven, relevant in what was needed to further the discussion concerning cannabinoids in medicine today.

Dr. Harin Padma-Nathan, MD, FRCS has a background in urology and sexual medicine, and is the founder and CEO of Nano Life Science Inc., a private biotech company focused on medical education, R&D, and IP.

2018 conference recap

Written by Carole-Shelton Toney


**All photos courtesy of Cannabinoids in Medicine 2018 Conference

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