CANNAConsumer Magazine August 2017 | Page 105

All vertebrates, from sea squirts to humans, have an endocannabinoid system, which scientists estimate evolved more than 600 million

years ago.

The Backstory

The plant world has given us some of our oldest and most trusted—and, it’s true, sometimes abused—remedies. Pain relievers like codeine and morphine (poppy); colchicine, an antitumor drug (autumn crocus); the cardiac drug digitalin (purple foxglove); antimalarial quinine (quinine tree); and salicin, the chemical precursor to aspirin (white willow).


Regular Strength Capsule for Small Dogs (30 count)


Ingredients per Capsule:

Active: Proprietary Blend (Cannabis Sativa L., Hemp) 205 mg

Other: Vegetable-based gelatin capsule

Extra Strength Capsule for Medium Dogs

(60 count)


Ingredients per Capsule:

Active: Proprietary Blend (Cannabis Sativa L., Hemp) 355 mg

Other: Vegetable-based gelatin capsule

Extra Strength Capsule for Large Dogs (120 count)


Incredients per Capsule:

Active: Proprietary Blend (Cannabis Sativa L., Hemp) 440 mg

Other: Vegetable-based gelatin capsule

CannaCompanion® is the result of over 16 years of research into the endocannabinoid system. By utilizing the scientific principles of veterinary medicine and pharmacology, combined with multidisciplinary research and their own testing and informal clinical trials, they have developed and refined Canna Companion to where it can be a part of your dog and cat’s holistic care. As veterinarians, they are committed to continued research and development in order to ensure our products are safe, effective and continually evolve to meet the needs of your pets.