Cannabis Hemp Guide 2015 May | Page 10

HEMP SEEDS FOR VIBRANT HEALTH Hemp Seeds: One of the most nutritious and easily digested foods on the earth is the hemp seed. Hemp seeds contain protein, essential amino acids, and essential fatty acids. Hemp is truly a food that can sustain all of man's dietary needs. Hemp seed have many health benefits, which can be easily obtained by adding hemp seed to the diet. Hemp seeds available at [email protected] Nutritional Value Hulled hemp seed$$ Per 50g serve$ $ Essential fatty acids# # # Omega 3# # # Omega 6 # # Trans fat/cholesterol# Protein# # # Carbohydrate# # Vitamin E# # # Niacin## # # Riboflavin# # # Magnesium# # # Manganese# # # Phosphorus# # # Zinc# # # # Copper# # # Iron# # # # Nutritional-amount %RDI (adult male) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Raw Chocolate Hemp Pudding - serves 3 Ingredients: ⅔ cup (160g or 10­12 med) pitted dates ½ cup (125g) water ⅔ cup (125g) ice 1 cup (160g) hemp seeds ⅛ cup (12g or 6tsp) cacao powder pinch vanilla bean powder fresh berries (optional) Directions: Combine dates, water and ice to the blender and blend into a rough paste Add hemp seeds, cacao powder and vanilla bean powder Blend until smooth and creamy Serve with fresh